
Friday, 13 November 2020

Why Auto Window Tint Might Make Even More Sense During Fall & Winter

Have you ever noticed that the sun seems brighter in the Fall and Winter? That is not your imagination and this article is meant to share share a couple reasons why this is the case and why auto window tint might make even more sense during this time of the year.

Why Is The Sun Brighter During The Fall and Winter?

First, let’s discuss why you notice the sun being brighter at this time of the year. As we head into Fall, the sun begins to be lower in the sky. This is contrasted with the Summer when the sun is high in the sky. With the sun lower on the horizon in Fall and Winter, the light is hitting you at angles much closer to the horizon. So, while you might never look directly up into the sun during the Summer, you often find yourself looking somewhat directly at the sun during Fall and Winter.

The sun being lower to the horizon corresponds to shorter days. This will continue into January when the sun seems brightest and is very low on the horizon. After Winter solstice, the process begins to reverse and the sun begins getting higher in the sky each day again. During this process, you will notice that you are confronted with irritating and often blinding glare at the exact time of the day when many people are commuting to work.

Finally, if you drive near a body of water or have to contend with snow, the situation gets even worse. The low angled sunlight will reflect off of water and / or snow and create and even brighter and more blinding effect.

How Does Auto Window Tint Help?

Like a quality pair of sunglasses, window tint can reduce the amount of glare passing through the glass. This will not only make your vehicle a more comfortable place to be, it can also make it safer. If you have ever been blinded by the sun while driving or trying to pull out onto a road, you know what we mean. By reducing the glare and allowing you to see the road better, you are in a better position to operate your vehicle safely. In addition, not having to squint and deal with excessive glare will allow your eyes to relax and not make your time in the vehicle as stressful.

On one final note, remember to keep your windows as clean as possible this time of year. The issues surrounding the lower angle of the sun will be amplified through dirty windows.

We hope you enjoyed this article. We would be happy to show you all of the options of auto window tint available to improve the comfort and safety of your vehicle.If you would like to learn more about the automotive window film we install, click HERE. If you have any questions, or would like and estimate or to schedule an appointment for automotive window tint installation, call us at (206) 403-1366. We are located in Tukwila, and we service the entire Reston and Seattle area.

The post Why Auto Window Tint Might Make Even More Sense During Fall & Winter appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 23 October 2020 Magazine Gives Numerous Reasons Window Tint Your Tesla

In a recent article in Magazine, they discuss the particular reasons why you should consider window tint for your Tesla vehicle. Magazine is dedicated to electric vehicle related articles, but we think the reasons they give for considering window tint can apply to nearly any vehicle.
The first thing the article mentions is why Tesla vehicle are particularly good candidates for window tinting. They state in the article “The only shortcoming with Tesla windows, however, is they let in a lot of sunlight. More sun is great for charging up the solar panels, but for passengers in the car’s interior, it can prove uncomfortable. Due to all that glass, the glare makes it hard to drive, significantly reducing safety. Owners should, therefore, consider window tinting..”.
The article continues by giving four additional reasons to consider window tinting for your Tesla.They are as follows:

  • Tinting your Tesla protects the interior from UV rays and heat. This prevents the car from warming up when parked in the sun. Heat and UV are absorbed at a slower rate when windows are tinted.
  • A tinted glass Tesla looks beautiful, and you can match your window color between the side and top sections.
  • You will feel less vulnerable sitting in traffic behind your tinted windows, unlike the fishbowl effect of an un-tinted Tesla.
  • Tinted glass makes it easier to control the interior temperature of your Tesla vehicle.

The article also goes on to give tips on what to look for when having an installation done and the differing types of window tint materials that are available. Again, this information applies to nearly any vehicle. If you would like to read the entire article at, click on the link “Window Tinting Considerations For Tesla“.

We hope that you found this article informative and interesting. If you would like to learn more about the automotive window film we install, click HERE. If you have any questions, or would like and estimate or to schedule an appointment for automotive window tint installation, call us at (206) 403-1366 or fill out a form HERE. We are located in Tukwila and service the entire Seattle area.

The post Magazine Gives Numerous Reasons Window Tint Your Tesla appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Saturday, 17 October 2020

XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Combats Winter’s Assault On Your Vehicle

Whether we like it or not, cooler temps and the Winter weather are on the way. In this area of the country, we know that means road maintenance strategies that can play havoc on your vehicle’s paint. You don’t have accept that the front end of your car will look like it went through a war zone. We can help combat this assault on your paint with XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film.

Combat Winter's Assault on Vehicles With XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection - Paint Protection Film in the Seattle Washington Area 2The XPEL Ultimate paint protection film we use is designed to provide you with the peace of mind you need on the open road this Winter, keeping your vehicle’s surfaces safe from things like gravel, salt and other road debris and stopping paint chips before they start.

Also, don’t worry about edge peeling, discoloring or staining. XPEL Ultimate resists specs, spots, or splotches from contaminants because it is stain resistant & will maintain clarity under the harshest conditions. It also will not lift or delaminate. XPEL’s signature Edge Seal Technology ensures the film stays stuck & keeps surfaces protected from contaminants.

Give us a call today to learn more about why Diamond Window Tinting has specifically chosen XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film for our clients. If you’re interested in a quote for applying paint protection film to your vehicle, you can contact us directly by calling (206) 403-1366. We have been serving the Tukwila and Seattle, Washington area for over 14 years and would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle.

The post XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Combats Winter’s Assault On Your Vehicle appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Two Critical Components Of A Quality Automotive Window Tint Installation

Benjamin Franklin once famously said “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” More appropriate words cannot be said as it relates to having the windows tinted on your vehicle. We wanted to write this article to shed some light on two very critical components of a quality automotive window tint installation. Not as a way to try and point you toward our company, but to equip you with information to make a good decision about who you entrust with this project.

  1. Quality and Technology Of Window Film Being Used – Like most things in life, window film / tint comes in a wide range of technologies and quality levels. It is critical when comparing different window tint offerings that you understand the underlying window film that will be used. First, let’s discuss quality. Window film is produced in various areas around the world at drastically differing quality levels. The construction of the film and the adhesive that holds it to the windows are where the rubber meets the road. The issue is that they all may look very similar the day you install them. The issue arises if the film begins to fade, change color, delaminate, etc after a few months or a few years. Worse yet, it can begin to lose adhesion to the glass and bubble. I am sure we have all seen a car with this unfortunate problem. Second, let’s look into the technology of the film being used. While some films are basic dyed polyester (cheapest cost) that may give a tinted look and not much else, others are high tech infrared filtering films (more expensive cost) that not only look great but also block a lot of heat. It is important that you know what technology the films are so you can truly compare apples to apples.
  2. Expertise of the Installation Technician – It goes without saying that this one makes a huge difference. Just like the skill of the person that cuts your hair, does your taxes or builds a home, experience matters. It is a safe assumption that people in skilled trades, like window film installation, get better over time and with the number of vehicles they have tinted. A good installer can take sub-standard film and make it look pretty good. A mediocre installer can use the very best film and still may produce a sub-standard result. There is simply no getting around the fact that the expertise of the installer plays a huge role in how well the final outcome of a window tint installation will be.

We hope this brief article will help you make a good choice with regard having vehicle window tinting installed. To learn more about the automotive window film we install, click HERE. If you have any questions, would like an estimate or to schedule an appointment for automotive window tint installation, call us at (206) 403-1366 or fill out a form HERE

The post Two Critical Components Of A Quality Automotive Window Tint Installation appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Answers To Some XPEL Paint Protection Film Frequently Asked Questions

We often get asked a variety of questions about paint protection films and XPEL Ultimate Plus in particular. So, to help those visiting our page, we put together six of the most frequently asked questions specifically about the XPEL ppf we offer. We hope this helps answer a question you may have.

XPEL Ultimate Plus Paint Protection Film Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Expected Life Of XPEL?

The XPEL Ultimate Plus Series Films are warrantied for 10 years. This warranty covers: yellowing, staining, delaminating, cracking, peeling, bubbling, and more. More information on the warranty can be found on our Warranty Information Page

Can I Run My Car Through An Automatic Car Wash?

Yes, but please wait at least 48 hours after installation to allow the film to dry completely.

How Do I Maintain XPEL Ultimate Plus?

No special maintenance is required for XPEL Ultimate Plus.

Can I Use A Pressure Washer, And How Soon After Install?

Yes, pressure washers can be used on XPEL paint protection films, provided the film has completely dried after installation (typically 48 hours) and provided the high-pressure water is not pointed directly at the edges of the film.

Can XPEL Be Installed On Your Vehicles Headlights And Fog Lights?

Yes, XPEL can be installed on your cars headlamps and fog lamps.

If I Get A Partial Front End Wrap, Will The Edge Of The Film Be Noticeable?

While the edge of the film can be seen from certain angles, people generally do not notice it unless they are looking for it. However, if the car is dirty and dust and dirt can collect along the edge of the film, it will be more noticeable. Once the car is cleaned, it will be once again difficult to detect unless looking for it.

We hope that this frequently asked questions post helped you understand the XPEL product we offer a little better. Diamond Window Tinting has specifically chosen XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film for our clients. If you’re interested in learning more or getting a quote for applying a paint protection film to your vehicle, you can contact us directly by calling (206) 403-1366. We have been serving the Tukwila and Seattle, Washington area for over 14 years and would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle.

The post Answers To Some XPEL Paint Protection Film Frequently Asked Questions appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Five Reasons To Choose XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film

Have you been considering having paint protection applied to your vehicle? If so, we want to give you five reasons to choose XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film from Diamond Window Tinting.

Five Reasons to Choose XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film

Five Reasons To Choose XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film 3 Five Reasons To Choose XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film 2

The reasons above are just five of the reasons Diamond Window Tinting has specifically chosen XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film for our clients. If you’re interested in learning more or getting a quote for applying a paint protection film to your vehicle, you can contact us directly by calling (206) 403-1366. We have been serving the Tukwila and Seattle, Washington area for over 14 years and would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle.

The post Five Reasons To Choose XPEL Ultimate Paint Protection Film appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Not Being Sunburned Doesn’t Mean Skin Damage Isn’t Occurring

Are you aware that your skin is susceptible to UV damage from the sun when you are inside? A recent article in Business Insider called “You can get sun damage through a window — here’s how to protect yourself indoors” by Madeline Kennedy discusses this. With Summer just kicking off, we wanted to share some information from the article about how to prevent skin damage when spending time near windows.

Many people think because they do not get a sunburn while inside and behind glass that skin damage isn’t occurring. The reality is that you will not get sunburned indoors or in your vehicle behind the windows because most types of glass block UVB rays. UVB is the type of light that causes sunburns and tans. However, glass does not block UVA rays. These rays are the type that cause skin damage, wrinkles and even some types of cancer.

As Madeline writes in the article, “Most of us know to wear sunscreen when we’re outside in the sun, but you may need to take the same precautions when driving for long periods or sitting next to a sunny window at home.” This is exactly right. Most people are educated enough to understand the need for sunscreen when outdoors, but do not give it a second thought when near a window or in their vehicles.

This article goes on to share a quote from R. Sonia Batra, MD, a dermatologist in Santa Monica, California. “People often have a false sense of security in their cars or behind windows since the UVB rays that cause a quicker sunburn are blocked…However, the UVA rays that penetrate glass actually reach a deeper layer of skin and still cause sun damage, discoloration, and wrinkles.

Madeline also shares “If you are just sitting in a room lit by sunlight, you are not likely to get sun damage, but if you are positioned next to a window getting direct sunlight for many hours of the day, you may want to take precautions. Batra also shares, “I usually recommend a mineral-based, physical sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and at least an SPF of 30. Mineral sunscreens may be preferable to chemical sunscreen because they are less likely to irritate your skin.

Batra goes on to share that, “You can also add a clear protective film to your window that filters out UVA rays“, Batra says. Studies show that UV protective films can reduce UVA transmission by more than 99 per cent. You can also add protective film or tint to your car windows to block out UVA light, but first check up on your local laws, as some states place restrictions on window tints. Protect yourself with a broad-spectrum sunscreen or use a window film if you plan to spend a lot of time in the car or by a window. You can read the entire Business Insider article by clicking HERE.

The Skin Cancer Foundation also weighs in with the benefits of window films in tow articles on their website entitled “Not All UV Rays Stay Outside: How Window Film Can Help Protect You” and “A Surprising Danger in Planes, Trains and Automobiles“.

We hope that this article opened your eyes to the potential for skin damage when at home, in the office or in a vehicle. Many of us are so diligent about protecting our skin but overlook these places where we could be taking in hours of dangerous exposure without even realizing it.

Our team is happy to be able to offer UV blocking window films for your vehicle. If you would like to learn more about the automotive window film products and services we provide, you can directly by calling (206) 403-1366. We would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle. Find out why we are your #1 source for vehicle window tinting in Tukwila, Seattle, Bellevue, Kent, and the Tacoma, Washington area.

The post Not Being Sunburned Doesn’t Mean Skin Damage Isn’t Occurring appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Why Choose XPEL Ultimate Plus Paint Protection Film From Diamond?

Some have asked us why we use XPEL paint protection films and specifically XPEL Ultimate Plus, so we thought we would give an overview of why this is the premium product available.

In 2011, XPEL revolutionized the paint protection film industry with the world’s first self-healing film. Most recently, the newest film, XPEL Ultimate Plus, raises the bar once again with an unparalleled high gloss finish & improved impact protection. XPEL Ultimate Plus is designed to provide you with the peace of mind you need on the open road, keeping your vehicle’s surfaces safe from things like gravel, oils, bug acids, bird droppings, and stopping paint chips before they start.

XPEL Ultimate Plus Paint Protection Film in Seattle, Washington

So, you see, when you combine this revolutionary paint protection film technology with our nearly 15 years installation experience, you get a final result that you will love and will keep your vehicle protected. We spend time to test and make sure that we only bring our client’s the very best products that are available.

Hopefully the information about XPEL Ultimate Plus illustrates why we have chosen to offer this exclusively to our customers. If you would like more information, or have questions on the information contained in this article, we would love to help! We would be happy to answer any questions you might have and give you all the pertinent information about the XPEL paint protection we carry. You can learn more by contacting us at (206) 403-1366 or filling out a form here. We are your premier source for paint protection film in the Tukwila and Seattle, Washington area.

The post Why Choose XPEL Ultimate Plus Paint Protection Film From Diamond? appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 10 April 2020

Vehicle Window Tint Guide – Don’t Be Fooled. It’s Not All The Same.

All window tint used on vehicles is the same, right? Actually no, nothing could be further from the truth. We wanted to share this Vehicle Window Tint Guide guide to help you better understand vehicle window film so you can make an informed decision the next time you have a vehicle tinted.

Vehicle Window Tint Guide

If you’re like most people, you probably assume all vehicle window tint is the same. Sure, it comes in different shades of darkness, and maybe even varying levels of reflectivity, but it’s basically all the same, right? Actually, no. The truth is that the world’s ever-advancing technology has created significant differences that are important for you to understand before getting window tint put on your next vehicle.

Let’s begin this vehicle window tint guide with a little history of the evolution of automotive window tint. At one time, and not that long ago, vehicle window tint fell primarily into two simple categories; basic dyed polyester window film and window films with a metalized layer.

First, you had the basic dyed polyester film. This was typically inexpensive and just gave your windows the tinted appearance you were looking for without much in the way of performance. These dyed films often had a limited lifespan. Typically, they would begin turning purple after three to five years of sun exposure. We are sure you have noticed examples of this type of film driving around. Many times, this film looked great the day it was installed and then slowly faded to the undesirable purple.

The other vehicle tint option was metalized film that integrated a layer of metal to the dyed polyester. This gave the tinted look while providing some heat rejection. These films cost more than the dyed films and were considered the upgrade option in most shops. The performance was better and the film lasted longer because of the metal layer. The downside to these metal films was that they had more reflectivity (because of the metal layer) and they could interfere with the vehicle’s electronics and antenna systems. In addition, the sheen caused by the metal layer often caused these films to not offer a great match to factory tinted glass on SUVs, trucks and minivans.

Unfortunately, for many years, these were the only two window tint options someone had when wanting to get their vehicle’s windows tinted. The supposed “good” dyed film and the “better” option of metalized film. Neither was truly ideal.

Well, we are happy to say that those days are long gone! In 2020, you have a variety of new, high tech options. These films do not turn purple, are not reflective and they can reject a significant amount of heat without being dark. These new films are light years ahead of historic vehicle window film and should be at the front of your mind when you’re looking to have your next vehicle tinted.

Unlike traditional window tint that needs to be darker or metallic to achieve any real significant performance, these new films block the heat through infrared blocking technology. This enables them to even be nearly clear and still block a significant amount of heat.

Another important note is that these films create a protective barrier from the sun’s damaging UV rays for both your skin and the cabin of the vehicle. Studies show the incidence of skin cancer among passengers corresponds directly with the side of their body exposed to the window. For example, a driver in North America tends to have a higher rate of skin cancer on their left side, the one exposed to the sun while driving. Many modern window films are recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation as an effective protection from the sun. Click HERE to read more.

So, as you can see, not all vehicle tint is created equal. Understand the film technology they use so you can make an informed decision for your car and more importantly for yourself. Often, if you just ask to have your vehicle tinted a specific shade, a shop may use a basic dyed film to give you the look requested. This may give you the look you want, but you may miss out on the performance you could have had. Also, you should check your local tint laws to see what shade is legal in your state by clicking HERE.

Hopefully the information in the vehicle window tint guide helps you the next time you get a vehicle tinted. If you would like more information, or have questions on the information contained in this vehicle window tint guide, we would love to help. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have an give you all the pertinent information about the premium window films we carry. You can learn more by contacting us at (206) 403-1366 or filling out a form here. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Tukwila and Seattle, Washington area.

The post Vehicle Window Tint Guide – Don’t Be Fooled. It’s Not All The Same. appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Your Complete Guide To Car Window Tinting From USA Today

Car window tinting not only makes your vehicle look great, it offers many other benefits as well. USA Today recently posted an article called “The Complete Guide to Choosing Car Window Tinting”. We wanted to share an overview of what that article discussed so that you can make a wise choice regarding getting your vehicle windows tinted. This summary will cover the benefits of window tinting, the types of window tinting and also touch on the window tinting laws.

Benefits of Car Window Tinting

  • Improved Vehicle Looks – Everyone know that a vehicle with tinted windows has a great look to it. This has to do with many things, but cleaning up the lines of a vehicle by not having the interior elements distract from the overall visual is part of it. It is not by mistake that most vehicle manufacturers photograph their vehicles for marketing with tinted windows like the car above. The cars simply look look better with tinted windows.
  • Keeps Your Interior Cooler – Most window tint will block a percentage of the heat from entering the vehicle. This will keep the interior cooler and more comfortable.
  • Protects Your Skin From Sun DamageThe Skin Cancer Foundation has published a variety of data that warns against the potential for skin damage from the sun while traveling in your vehicle. The standard vehicle windows do not block these harmful rays, but adding window films will typically block 99% or more of the sun’s UV rays.
  • Added Privacy – Having the vehicle windows tinted makes it harder for people to see in. This gives you more privacy as an occupant and also helps protect your valuables from prying eyes when the car is parked.

Types Of Automotive Window Tint

  • Basic Dyed Window Tint – This film will give you a great, non reflective tinted look. The downside is that this film does not block a tremendous amount of heat. In addition, basic dyed films will not interfere with any vehicle or mobile electronics. These films are also typically the least expensive option for window tinting.
  • Metal Hybrid Window Tint – These films utilize a layer of metal to improve the heat rejection. The downside is that these films often have a more reflective appearance than other window films. The metal layer in this film can cause interference with vehicle and mobile electronics. These films are more expensive than a basic dyed film, but not as expensive as most carbon based and infrared rejecting films.
  • Carbon Window Tint – These films give the non-reflective appearance of a basic dyed film while increasing the heat rejection to that of a metal hybrid film. These films also will not interfere with electronics. These films are typically slightly more expensive than a metal hybrid film.
  • Infrared Rejecting Window Tint – These films utilize greater technology to block a high degree of the sun’s infrared to really ramp up the heat rejection. Infrared rejecting window films also are typically not very reflective in appearance. This truly make these films the best of all worlds regarding appearance and comfort. Finally, these films also will not interfere with electronics. Infrared rejecting window films typically are the most expensive window tinting option available.

Automotive Window Tint Laws

The laws surrounding the application of window tint varies across vehicles and States. With that being said, we feel that it is best to give you the tools to do your own research on what is legal for your vehicle in your area. You can get information regarding automotive window tint laws by clicking HERE.

We hope that this helped you better understand what all is involved in making an educated choice regarding automotive window tint. If you have questions about our services or would like to set an appointment, contact us at (206) 403-1366 or fill out a form here. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Seattle, Washington area.

The post Your Complete Guide To Car Window Tinting From USA Today appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

XPEL Paint Protection Film & Window Tint Partners With BMW CCA

Diamond Window Tinting is proud to offer both XPEL Paint Protection Film and XPEL Window Tint and we were excited to hear that they are now the official ppf and window tint of the BMW Car Club of America. The statement is below.

On February 25th, The BMW Car Club of America today announced that XPEL—the Official Window Tint and Paint Protection Films of the BMW Car Club of America (BMW CCA)—has extended their official partnership through 2020.

The agreement provides XPEL exclusive status, a large presence at national club events, and significant exposure via the club’s communication channels. XPEL will be present at key national events in 2020 including Legends of the Autobahn and the BMW CCA Festorics in Monterey, and O’Fest at the BMW Performance Center West, providing members with more information about their advanced paint-protection film and window-tint product line. “XPEL has been an incredible partner of the club for many years, and we are excited to have their support and presence at national events,” said Frank Patek, executive director of the BMW CCA . “They are true enthusiasts who offer a fantastic line of products and services that help our members keep their BMWs in top condition.”

XPEL is the source for the most cutting-edge paint protection and window tint available. As industry innovators, XPEL continues to strive for the very best technology and quality materials to bring to market. XPEL ULTIMATE PLUS paint-protection film helps to stop rock chips, prevent scratches, and make cleaning a breeze. XPEL PRIME XR PLUS window tint blocks up to 98% of infrared heat, keeping your vehicle cool during those warmer days as well as blocking 99.9% of UVA and UVB cancer-causing rays. XPEL also boasts an installer network in over 60 countries internationally, and hundreds around the United States. Visit today to find an installer near you.

“BMW owners have been protecting their paint with XPEL for over two decades now, and remain one of our most loyal customer bases in North America,” said Michael Dobbins, XPEL’s marketing manager. “Renewing our partnership with the BMW CCA is an exciting step for us in 2020. With the addition of FUSION PLUS ceramic coating into our product line, we can offer the complete package and cover nearly every BMW with a paint protection product.”

XPEL has been a club sponsor since 2013 and has continued to increase its support, recognizing that the club’s 70,000 active members are some of the most enthusiastic and influential BMW owners in the country. BMW CCA members collectively own over 100,000 BMWs, and participate in many of the club’s 500-plus social and driving events each year.

In 2020, the BMW CCA will embark on its 51st year, planning a new tradition that also honors the club’s heritage: O’Fest Forever presented by Michelin in Palm Springs, California, on September 15–19. At O’Fest Forever, XPEL will showcase their products and help celebrate all things BMW. As part of the sponsorship, XPEL will host a tech talk, participate in the vendor hall, and sponsor the complimentary bottled water.

Never compromise on the quality of product and service when choosing an XPEL paint protection film installation company. If you have questions about our services, contact us at (206) 403-1366. We are your premier source for XPEL paint protection film in the Seattle and Tukwila, Washington area.

The post XPEL Paint Protection Film & Window Tint Partners With BMW CCA appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 7 February 2020

Why Automotive Window Films Are A Wise Choice For Any Vehicle

An automotive window film can redefine the look of any vehicle, but also add UV protection, heat control, glare reduction, and additional privacy. With its wide array of benefits and sharp appearance, automotive window films are an economical way to improve the performance and look of your vehicle.

When you’re outside in the sun, you typically take measures to protect your skin with sunscreen and clothing that covers your skin. Did you know that when you drive, you are just as exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays as you are outside! Skin cancers are most prevalent on the left side of people in the US due to the constant exposure when driving! By adding an automotive window film to your vehicle, you will be reducing exposure to harmful UV rays by up to 99.9%.

Do you hate getting into your car on a hot sunny day? Automotive window films can reject up to 60% of solar energy coming in through your windows. This leads to cooler, more evenly controlled temperatures and faster cool downs once the air conditioning is turned on. Nobody enjoys a hot and steamy car on a hot summer’s day so consider an automotive window film to keep your vehicle cool and comfortable.

Protect your vehicle from prying eyes with an automotive window film. Whether you desire privacy on the road or just want to make your valuables harder to see when parked, an automotive window film is an economical way to increase your privacy and provide an added layer of security.

Depending on the time of your commute, the sun’s glare can really impact your comfort and safety while driving. Glare is inconvenient at best, and potentially deadly at worst! Significantly reducing the glare from the sunlight will allow you to appreciate driving on sunny days without feeling blinded by the sun’s rays.

Never compromise on the quality of product and service when choosing a window film installation company. If you have questions about our services, contact us at (206) 403-1366. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Seattle and Tukwila, Washington area.

The post Why Automotive Window Films Are A Wise Choice For Any Vehicle appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 31 January 2020

Besides Great Looks – Three Other Reasons To Consider Vehicle Glass Tint

When most of us think of vehicle glass tint, we think about how it changes the appearance of the vehicle. A vehicle with tinted windows looks nicer and the design flows a little better. This is the reason most people have window tint installed on their vehicle. However, in this article, I want to share with you three additional benefits of window tinting that you likely never thought of.

Three Benefits of Vehicle Glass Tint You Likely Have Never Thought Of
  1. Protection From The Sun’s Harmful UV Rays – While most of us would not consider going out for a day in the sun without using some form of UV protection, we often spend hours in our cars being impacted by the same rays with unprotected skin. Th vehicle glass, even the factory tinted variety, does very little to stop the harmful portion of the sun’s rays from reaching you. That is where window film comes in. Most window film will block 99% of the sun’s harmful rays from penetrating the glass. It’s almost like sunscreen for your car. To learn more about this benefit, check out the article by The Skin Cancer Foundation about this topic. For the article, click HERE
  2. Improved Comfort – We all know that excessive heat and glare can be a problem when driving. That is why cars come equipped with sun visors and most come with some factory tinted glass. These things are meant to block glare and reduce heat. However, they do a poor job at best. You often cannot get the sun visor positioned just right to block the sun and the factory tinted glass, while cutting some glare, does very little to reduce the heat flowing through the windows. Quality window films not only serve to reduce the glare across the entire window they are applied to, they also can block a significant amount of heat from entering the vehicle. So, not only will window tint help you look cool, you will be staying cooler also.
  3. Possible Savings at The Gas Pumps – Most of us are aware that running the AC in our vehicle reduces the gas mileage. According to some estimates at, it can reduce our gas mileage by 3 miles per gallon. If you can keep your vehicle interior comfortable without using AC, or using less of it, it stands to reason that you would get better fuel efficiency. As mentioned above, window tint can block heat from entering the vehicle. This will keep the interior cooler and reduce the need for AC to keep the occupant comfortable. The end result of this is that you may not only be more comfortable, you may also be saving a little every time you fill your tank.

We hope this article opened your eyes to some of the other benefits to vehicle glass tint that you may never have considered. If you have questions about our services, contact us at (206) 403-1366. We are your premier source for automotive window tint in the Tukwila, Washington area.

The post Besides Great Looks – Three Other Reasons To Consider Vehicle Glass Tint appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.

Friday, 17 January 2020

Gloss or Matte? XPEL Paint Protection Film Has Seattle Covered

Whether you like the bright and shiny look of a freshly polished car, or the subdued and cool look of a matte finish, XPEL Paint Protection Film has Seattle covered! Don’t let the ugly weather damage your vehicle. You can look great and be protected with XPEL Ultimate Plus and XPEL Stealth paint protection films.

XPEL Ultimate Plus Paint Protection Film

Gloss Is Boss

A virtually invisible urethane film. It protects your vehicle’s paint from unsightly damage and maximizes re-sale value. Some of its features include Self Healing, Stain Resistance and Superior Optical Clarity.

XPEL Stealth Paint Protection Film

As Smooth As Satin

Finally, a paint protection film specifically formulated for preserving protecting a flat factory finish. Whether your vehicle is matte, magno, frozen or frosted, XPEL STEALTH will keep it looking effortlessly pristine. Or, give your gloss paint a whole new look!

So, don’t let the bad weather stress you out regarding damage to your vehicle. From the day you buy it to the day you sell it, XPEL paint protection films add value to your vehicle and give you peace of mind.

If you’re interested in learning more or getting a quote for applying a paint protection film to your vehicle, you can contact us directly by calling (206) 403-1366. We have been serving the Seattle, Washington area for over 13 years and would be happy to discuss your options and provide you with a free, no obligation assessment and quotation on your particular vehicle. We look forward to hearing from you.

The post Gloss or Matte? XPEL Paint Protection Film Has Seattle Covered appeared first on XPEL Automotive Window Tinting and Paint Protection Films in Seattle, Washington | Diamond Window Tinting.